Funky Flamingo 2nds Resale Shop in Fort Lauderdale will be celebrating its one-year anniversary with a sale called Christmas in the Tropics.
On the surface, Funky Flamingo 2nds may look like just another resale shop. … Yet, Funky Flamingo 2nds stands out in more significant ways.
All of the proceeds at Funky Flamingo 2nds go to benefit H.O.M.E.S., Inc., an organization that focuses on creating self-sufficiency and economic development for disadvantaged individuals and neighborhoods. H.O.M.E.S. assists with affordable homeownership, and also provides housing, job assistance and internships, particularly for youth who are transitioning out of foster care. Youth also work at Funky Flamingo 2nds as part of the jobs program. Without this assistance, many TIL Youth—Transitioning Independent Living Youth—would be more vulnerable to homelessness, drug abuse or crime.
It’s also important to note the number of LGBT youth within the foster care system. According to a report by the National Center for Lesbian Rights (NCLR), studies estimate that between five and 10 percent of the 260,000 youth in foster care are LGBT. “Because of homophobia and transphobia in their homes, schools, and social settings,” states the NCLR report. “LGBTQ youth enter the foster care system at a disproportionate rate.”
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